Digital payments are accelerating the entrepreneur’s profitability by facilitating them to carry out financial transactions with customers, suppliers, and the governments in a more effective, safer, and cheaper way.
The smart way is more favorable for women entrepreneurs encouraging them to take greater control over income, smoothly benefiting the entire household especially children With a bright intention to bring awareness about the importance of digital payments, an ambitious client addressed his valuable motive of improvising the platform and making it bug-free and user friendly.
InfoKoders technologies team has thoroughly tested the platform and identified the bugs in features, design, and functionality, and reengineered it by giving a user-friendly feel and touch.
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The stunning platform modernized by InfoKoders technologies supports the alliance of 75 members including national governments from Africa, Asia-pacific and Latin America, companies and international organizations which have committed to digitizing payments
Numerous big countries, international organizations like UNICEF, UNDP, UNFP, and companies like Unilever, The Coca-Cola Company, H&M, Marks, and Spenser are actively associated with this educating platform.
Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS
Ruby on Rails
4-5 months with post-maintenance and upgrades
Approx 2000 Man-Hours
Business analyst, Project manager, UI/UX designer, Front end developer, Back end developer (2), Testers